Services: Aviation systems
Models Mi-8 / Mi-17 The Mi-17 helicopter, essentially a cargo helicopter offering a maximum internal useful load of 4 metric tons, has been designed and developed by the M.L. Mil design bureau. It is structurally similar to the well proven Mi-8 helicopter with universally recognised reliability. The helicopter is powered by TV3-117 turboshaft engines offering…
Models MIG 21 The MiG-21 (NATO reporting name “Fishbed”) is a Russian supersonic jet fighter aircraft. Early versions are considered second-generation jet fighters, while later versions are considered to be third-generation jet fighters. Some 50 countries over four continents have flown the MiG-21, and it still serves many nations a half-century after its maiden flight….
Models AN-32 / Light transport multipurpose aircraft The Antonov AN-32 light military transport multi-purpose aircraft can be operated in various climate conditions, including hot climate (up to + 50°C) and from the mountain airfields (up to 4500 m elevation). The main aircraft purpose is to transport cargoes over short and medium range air routes. It…
Models P-18ML / Ground-based long-range VHF surveillance radar Ground-based long-range VHF surveillance radar P-18ML is offered as the modernized follow-on to its prototype, the analogue P-18. P-18ML radar features: metric band for “counter-stealth” capability; maximum use of COTS components; stable, fail-soft, modular solid-state transmitter; built-in test equipment; no special adjustments required during operation; largely simplified…